Use the Upload Files tab to the right to create your own data set.

Use the boxes below to remove or add groups/samples. Use the tools at right side for advanced selection and ordering.

After changing parameters, please click Refresh button in the Summary panel to generate new plots.

After changing parameters, please click Refresh button in the Summary panel to generate new plots.

Click a comparison name to view volcano plot.

After changing parameters, please click Plot/Refresh button in the plot panel to generate heatmap.

OnePlot only supports Bar and Line plots

Linear values are computed using the log base and samll value from the log based expression unit, e.g. log2(TPM+0.25). Please update the values below and the Y Label above as needed.

After changing parameters, please click Plot/Refresh button in the plot panel to generate expression plot.
Enter some genes in Search Expression Data tab, then come here for data table.


Download PDF Download SVG (for the first selected plot)

Download tables in .xlsx

QuickOmics ver3.0 Developed by: Benbo Gao, Xinmin Zhang and Baohong Zhang
More information at GitHub | Tutorial